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Past a Fast Italian Pasta/ Noodle Maker

Update Terakhir
14 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
35 kali


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Detail Past A Fast Italian Pasta/ Noodle Maker

What makes Past a Fast pasta taste better than pasta made with any other machine? Simple.. It tastes better because it' s easier to make With cleaning time cut down to a matter of seconds of course it tastes better The high-grade pasta rollers mean your pasta comes out perfect every time This is the Rolls Royce of pasta machines that you will not be able to stop using You can grab a ton more information about the Imperia Machine if you would like to get more details on the most popular and sought-after model of pasta machine. What makes this pasta maker the leading one on the market is its classic, simple design, its usability and friendliness and the fact that so many people have discovered that it' s just so easy to make excellent pasta with it. You really cannot go wrong with this baby - just open the box, get the clamp set up, whack in the pasta and you' re good to go with the Imperia pasta machine. This is exactly what makes the Imperia pasta machine such a great buy - whether you' re getting the machine for your own selfish pasta needs or somone else' s! Made in Italy. Rp 520.000
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